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The Benandanti are a greatly-extended family descended from the families associated with the Benandanti tradition of Northern Italy in the 16th and 17th centuries. In modern days, there are at least seven surviving branches of the family, located in Wales, Morocco, Kosovo (relocated to Rhydin?), Macedonia, Italy, Michigan, and New York.


Bernardo and Mary Benandanti?
John Benandanti
Simon Benandanti?
Bernardo Benandanti Jr.?
Morana Benandanti
David Jordan Benandanti?
Elizabeth Mitra Benandanti?
Josif Vukasinic?
Tihana Vukasinic?
Iskra Vukasinic?
Risto Granic
Ace Granic

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Page last modified on November 27, 2020, at 07:46 PM