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Prophecies09-Jun-18, Brendan ap Ciarán?: “I dreamed,” he said, determinedly not looking at her and pitching his voice yet lower, “of an army of faceless strangers all in a line crossing a river of blood and entrails to be born like babies. They came out wearing these…masks, with round glass eyes and beaks like birds but no mouths. They came out naked, bloody, and moaning, and they slaughtered the whole castle. The Small Folk went first, and then the lesser nobles, and at last the Lord Arawn and Lady Creiddylad themselves. I ran and hid, ran and hid, and all the while they were searching for me.” 18-Jan-19, Brendan ap Ciarán?: “I saw the unmaking of Annwn and of the Summerlands. I saw a desert aflame, and people screaming as they were cut down by an invisible wind. I saw our children sacrificed at the foot of a great tree that birthed the wind, yours and mine and the fire-mage Marek's. I saw a man walking through the ruins after, and ashes were spilling from his hands and his mouth, and he was laughing in delight. I saw your husband rising into the sky with wings that blotted out the sun, with a sword in one hand and his brother's broken body in the other. I saw Gabriel torn down to raw flesh and metal by hags, and he was still trying to reach for Connor as they carried her away to the stoning-place. I saw. I saw. I saw.” |