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Andrews, Tomas

Twin brother of Catherine Andrews?. Also known as Jack Andrews.

- First appearance October 5, 2010, in the Throne of Saturn casino bar, serving a very dirty martini to John Benandanti.

- Name-dropped April 7, 2012, as a possibility when John Benandanti and Morana Benandanti were considering opening up their marriage. Eventually they settled on Kaylan?.

- Promoted to Morana's aide/secretary April 15, 2012, after Kaylan? was shot by John Benandanti

- Read into the Mircea? files June 22, 2012

- Met Vidya Illiastri? July 22, 2012 during a planning session to locate Morana Benandanti after her abduction by Sarva? and Reynaud?. Reference log: conf-decipheringtheritual

- Flashback to Icecrest? training exercise on the twins' 21st birthday, August 3, 2012.

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Page last modified on November 27, 2020, at 06:55 PM